New Dog? What Do You Need to Do?

Nov 26, 2022

New Dog

What are a few important things to do when you get a new dog?

  • Determine what your routines will be?
  • Lay out the rules for the new dog to succeed?
  • Train new behaviors or tricks?
  • Go on lots of walks, hikes and adventures?
  • Play with them?
  • Introduce them to family and friends?

If you said to yourself, “Those all sound like good ideas!”, you’d be right! However, there is a crucial, and oftentimes overlooked, option missing from this list.

Allowing and promoting your new dog to sleep.

It can be so alluring to do ALL THE THINGS right away! So many places to explore, tricks to train, people to show your new pup off to!

Just know, all of these fun opportunities will still be there in a few days, weeks and even months. Your new dog, whether they are a young puppy or newly adopted adult, are making some major adjustments coming into your home.

Everything is brand-new and they may feel the need to be “on” more than usual. To take in all the new sights, smells and other stimuli, to figure out how they can best be successful in this new place. Being this in-tune with all the happenings around them is exhausting! Overtired dogs are unhappy dogs.

What can you do?!

Set some time aside for your dog to actually settle and sleep during the day. This can be done using x-pens, crates, using dog beds or allowing them up on furniture, that is up to you. The main objective is to give them a place where they comfortably and reliably settle and sleep.

Make sleeping and resting a normal part of your routine and also do “human-stuff” during this time. Catch up on work, browse social media or watch a movie. Take a nap yourself, there is a good chance YOU will be super tired too! Bringing a new dog into your life is hard work!

Just know a well-adjusted dog is one that can settle and rest. Likewise, a well-adjusted dog owner is one who adores and loves their dog, but can still have a life and interests separate and apart from their dog. Be certain to promote both, and you and your new dog with reap the benefits!

Stay tuned for more new dog tips coming your way!

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Dianna L. Santos has been professionally training dogs since 2011. Having specialized in working with fearful, reactive and aggressive dogs, Dianna's main goal is to help dogs learn how to be successful in a human world. She does this by outlining ways dog owners can better understand their dogs while designing fun and effective training programs and games both ends of the leash will enjoy. Dianna is also particularly passionate about Scent Work is on a mission to promote the idea that ALL dogs should be playing the sniffing game!